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Wonders of NICOTINE

October 6th 2024


Everyone wants to feel good. When I was young and strong, I didn’t think much about my health but now that I have reached an age far above the average lifespan for our times, I want to enjoy life with little or no health problems. Due to my age of course and many hardships my body has had to endure over the years, I am in constant pain.  Other ailments that severely restrict me from doing all I would like to do are getting in the way as well, so, a happy and contented senior lifestyle is something I am endeavoring to find.  What can we seniors do about it?

It is important to have the services provided by government close at hand and available to you on demand. I am referring to a doctor you have a good relationship with and one who you respect and respects you and your concerns. Hospitals and medical assistance in close proximity to your home. Family and friends that are available in emergency times. These would be just standard expectations in normal times, but if you are paying attention, we are no longer living in normal times. Almost a third of our population in Canada are without a doctor, never mind trying to find one who suits your needs. Hospitals are over-run with immigrants that may or may not be legal, drug abusers are also clogging the system, so that waiting rooms in emergency are backed up with 8-10 hour waiting times. There are never enough doctors or nurses to fill the needs and now we have to bribe these professionals to come to our communities with large sums of cash and other incentives. Far too many families in our modern society are ignoring older members that are forgotten in the busy lives of children and grandchildren. Too many of our senior population are heard complaining that sons, daughters and grandchildren have not been in touch for months and even years. We are in different times and many of us are concerned that our latter years are not what they should be. It would seem, that we, like in the past, have to take the bit in our mouths and get to work to change our fate.

We do have some modern conveniences that will help us achieve our goals to a better life style. Our governments see the problems and in many cases are trying with new services to help seniors cope. Many communities have a hot line that will direct us to other help services from health care to screwing in replacement light bulbs.  I am not one to go to for media information. I do have a flip style cell phone that has only been used a couple of times. I do have a blog and have written seven books, all but one on my computer, but that is the extent of my knowledge. The internet can be a huge educational help when it comes to answering almost all the questions you can present it with. Most of my 250 plus stories on line, ( have been in part from my research on the internet. 

My story on Nicotine is a continuation from my last story dated Sept27th.  “More on covid” and snake venom by, Dr. Bryan Ardis.

This will come to many of us as a revelation but according to the good doctor, after much research you will be shocked to know that Nicotine is not addictive. If we believe the government and those in the health business, we should avoid Nicotine.  Almost all our vegetable and fruit have a certain percentage of Nicotine. Some more than others. Cauliflower has 17% nicotine and eggplant 100% nicotine. A study, that was buried, revealed that smokers were less likely to get covid, was convincing that nicotine is a therapeutic element and should be exposed as a positive for the better health to humanity. Seven CEO’s from the largest tobacco companies, under oath declared that Nicotine is not addictive. To give cigarettes it’s addictive power, a chemical called Pyrazine is added.  Dr. Ardis explains many of his findings in his soon to be published book, “Covid 19 Lies”.  It has pre-sold over 100 thousand copies.  Studies have shown beneficial results for those suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, Diabetes, MS, Myocarditis and Arthritis. It can be taken by chewing gum or a patch and has proven to be the next pathway to better health in our society. HOWEVER, will it be stopped as were two of the most powerful and inexpensive drugs on the market prior to covid19?  In Canada and parts of Europe and the USA Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were curing covid until Fauci and his band of criminals took over.  It has been stated that Nicotine will have a world ban by 2030.

The proof is in the pudding as my grandmother used to say so I have been wearing the patch since October 3rd. Today is the 6th. and this morning I woke with no pain. Three days and it seems to be working. I get the 21mg sheets and cut to about 4 MG daily pieces. Too soon for celebrations yet but perhaps the enthusiasm of Dr. Ardis and others is genuine.  WARNING - the only people that should avoid this treatment are those who have had or have SEIZURES.  

For those concerned about Bird Flu which has not been a problem yet, here are your natural remedies that have been provided by God’s benevolent hand.

Black common seed oil  --  recommended for many problems!

Green leaf Tea

Virgin Coconut oil.

Beware!  There is no profit to be made from all these home remedies by Big Pharma or all the hanger-on criminals that are in bed with the multi/billion-dollar industry we call medicine. The mandate all doctors take is the Hippocratic Oath. It has been virtually forgotten.  It is simply “DO NO HARM” This is considered the highest form of ethics.


Paul D. Scott              


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