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Trump just pulling our chain? Relax Canada.

Feb 14th/25


Why are we getting our shirt in a knot when it is quite obvious, the Donald is doing what he does best – he wrote the book on it, “The Art of the Deal” - Well, he didn’t really write the book, a guy called Schwartz wrote it, but I am sure some of Trump rubbed off on the real author. Like everything surrounding Trump, there will be controversy.  He was a landlord, he had to take measures to evict nonpaying tenants, so what! when laws  are stacked against you, your investment must be protected. I did and I am sure most others also. Only moral purists and those who have never been in the other guy’s shoes, would condemn us.

There are many in Canada that do condemn Trump. Most, have little knowledge of the man, read some of his books. I envy the Americans for their ability to recognize that woke and ungodly progressive governments go against our core values and should be put down. We need to come to that place in Canada or we will be lost as a nation. I am convinced it is not too late.  We can’t allow lies and our morals to be swept aside, and our historic reasons for the establishment of our country to be lost to the radical left that have been in power. We need a Trump clone to clean our house.

Canadians today are not the same as we were when I was a boy. We were a proud people with good cause. Our armed services were a credit to us in two world wars. In 1945 Canada had the third largest navy in the world and the future looked so promising. Our objectives were honorable and morals while laughed at today were of much higher standards and kept. Sunday was for quiet times and church attendance. Very few stores were open and families took this day for conversation and renewal.  We have been decaying ever since and now we are sniveling that we finally are going to have to grow up and contribute to society and pay our way again. The USA protects us and is our largest customer for our exports. It has been very easy to sit back and let the Americans do our heavy lifting. As much as I hate to admit it, we might do better to have big brother take us in and look after us. Those who have not experienced the difference between living in the U.S. and Canada should listen to those who have made a home there.

 President Trump has had the strength to stand up at the Prayer breakfast this week asking for the country to return to God. I believe that this man is a voice used by God to bring the country together. I am concerned at the language Trump used when discussing the takeover of Gaza. His words were, “ I will own Gaza” This statement deserves an explanation.

There are many reasons we might be better off with much closer ties to this huge economy and country we have been living next to since our conception. The cost of living is very much lower in America, the taxes are lower, the education will be much better soon when changes are made to give the responsibility over to the individual states. Their morals are not perfect, but ours in Canada are deplorable. Americans do have abortion laws that now are state run. Canada has none. The United States is officially a bi/sexual country.  Normal male and females can live again without the fear of ridicule from an obnoxious vocal woke minority.  They respect their citizens’ rights to be able to protect themselves from a corrupt government. Freedom of speech is a right. Health care is a right for those who can’t afford it, most others are insured. In forty years, I have never had a bad experience getting the best of care in the U.S.A.  I am speaking from experience as at least one quarter of my adult life has been as a U.S. resident. Social health care in Canada sounds yummy except when you need it and it is not available. Social societies are great for the weak and lazy who desire a free ride.  That is not exactly true when you see so many more homeless, living in tents in freezing conditions. Canada can’t even house our most needy any more. The Canadian dollar has been plummeting for years and is below .70 cents. We should be able to enter the export market with a great deal of success, but can we? or will we? There are a great many reasons for aligning ourselves to a great power. Our future is very unpredictable and I would rather be on the side of the United States than China or Russia. Canada has no way of defending our great mass of real estate or our wealth of raw materials both below the surface and above. How proud are we as a sovereign nation? We hardly ever sing “O Canada” We take allegiance to no one of worldly or spiritual power.  Our flag represents a leaf from a common tree that grows in many countries. The two red rectangles represent “from sea to sea” We have another sea to our northern borders that is becoming a real asset to our country if we still have control over it. Until recently, it has been ignored. Where is our patriotism when we allow so much of our history to be re-written? We allow statues and buildings to be defaced because the history is not what we think it should have been.  Patriotism is not a good enough reason for holding on to our failing country, Trump makes a good case for our marriage.  

Because this is an opinion piece, my opinion is just one in thousands. Is Trump serious about making Canada a 51st state? He would be better served if he made us the 51st through 61st states and three territories. Canada, voting as one unit would keep the U.S.A. left, (Liberal) and the Democrats would be in power again.  Trump’s ego is huge but even he can see this would be a problem from the get-go. He is playing Canada and we can’t allow this. It’s not about annexing Canada. That is probably a diversion as is the Fentanyl claim, unless our government is lying about the fact that less than 1% drugs cross our border into the USA. I believe Trump dislikes Trudeau and would like to see him gone as would 75% of all Canadians. America does need us in spite of Trump's blustering. They need our raw materials especially our critical minerals and raw materials. Critical materials are materials vital to a countries economic and national security. Canada is a key supplier of 13 of the 35 minerals on the United States critical list, including tellurium, niobium and uranium. Canada exported $29.8 billion worth of these critical minerals to the United States in 2023 – more than any other country.   Let’s start with a 25% tariff on this kind of sale. Perhaps retroactive.

 We do have to smarten up and be more independent with a stronger military and a larger customer base for export and much more severe immigration laws that will be enforced. The future could see Canada and the U.S.A. merge economically or even physically to become more competitive in the world. Some psychics are predicting a joining of our two countries within the next four years. The psychics and prophets are starting to voice some interesting thoughts about man’s future.

There is an argument for annexing Panama and even Greenland but I doubt that the World would stand for a hostile takeover of a sovereign nation like Canada. I think Trumps’ out-of-the box idea in taking control of Gaza would be a long-term nightmare. The idea the U.S.A. wants to become more and more isolated is not the direction Trump seems to be going now, but the plan can go either way. 

There is no way we can be sure Trump is serious or just using his negotiating tactics to their maximum. If I were the PM of Canada, I would be drawing up a proposal that would give every Canadian citizen a large financial benefit of cash. Payments for our assets for an alliance with the USA leading to a proposal of combining our two countries, called North America. All debts, provincial and federal would be absorbed by the U.S.A. Then, let’s stop all the B.S. and clear the mist and see what kind of negotiators we can muster against the pro negotiator, President Donald J. Trump.  He will be a formable opponent. 


Paul D. Scott                          




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