Do You See What I See?
October 18th.2024
I don’t expect too many reading this will agree with me and that is OK as I have always held opinions counter to the mainstream. That goes with the fact that I am quite often wrong when the rubber hits the road. However, on the big decisions and issues when it matters most, my record has been pretty good. It has been said that all you need is to be right 51% of the time to be successful. Surely, as reasonably intelligent human being with a good sense of direction, we should be able to make that middle bar.
Most of us, especially those born prior to WW2 and now in the final dimming hours of life, most of us had very little when we started out in life. Some had a little better head start with a higher intelligence than the likes of myself. Some had family that would be more aggressive with the value of a higher education and some were held back a bit by situations that were beyond their ability to fix. Education in those days for most of us was secondary and if you got your senior matriculation (grade 13) you were on your way to where-ever you wanted to go. Many took the choice of a summer school courses with an excellent chance of making a career in education. Many of my school buddies took that road but my friend Mike Dennis did his thing and became a doctor. He did what he planned from the get-go, to take over Dr. Bartlet’s practice in Brampton. He did it, and when he unexpectantly died a few years ago, he left a very lucrative business with many employees and patients without his wise guidance. Mike was an old boyhood friend and was a part of our wedding party.
I for one had other fish to fry. I found my way into the sales and marketing business. I gave up my job as a shoe salesman as I was a “cellar boy” working after school at Bartlet’s shoe store, Jack and the good doctor were brothers. I was taking home the handsome sum of $28.60 per 6-day week. I could make far more money as a Fuller Brush man, many would have no idea what that was, I was a door-to-door salesman. All I had to do was work twice as hard to make 4 times the money. I was 17 years old with grade 9 under my belt and an employer now. I was sort of obligated to help out at home because I was not from an opulent family in our small town. Far from it, but we were well fed and clothed and we did live in a modest house and Dad was a shoe designer and pattern maker and so held a responsible job without what should have been a corresponding income.
My career was framed by a gift of the gab. I earned a lot of money as a Manufacturer’s rep, and in real-estate flipping, I lost a lot of money in manufacturing in spite of the fact, Joan ran our factory that was the largest maker of clocks in Canada. We were able to carry three homes and a large house for my offices in downtown Toronto, and travel to many places in this vast and complicated world. I am approaching 90 years old and I can say that there is nothing I regret in my life decisions and there is nothing left that was on a number of Bucket Lists over the years. I must admit that our lives as a couple, because all decisions were made together and we never hesitated making complete changes in our lives and always with the blessings from our Heavenly Father. Yes, we never entered a new phase without asking for help and direction. Most of the time it came in unexpected ways, other times it was so obvious that it was not our actions that pulled us through the difficult times, but God’s hand was on the steering wheel and the throttle, and the brakes. How lucky we were to have God as our partner.
This pre-ramble is to set the stage for a few words about the times we are living in to-day and what we may be looking at in our future. No one can accurately predict the future as God is in charge ultimately. He has stepped aside and let the Devil take command for a while perhaps to see who among his followers are truly faithful to his word. We are living in unusual times with crime and trouble running rampant. God has given us a perfect home and we have abused it and his rules. It is said by brilliant minds that about every 12,500 years Man becomes so evil in his ways that a cleansing of the earth is in order. The last cleansing was the Ice age when thousands of comets were sent down upon the earth and almost all mankind was obliterated. The sun was clouded over by the smoke and debris from fire and volcanoes. Mile high ice covered the once lush green flora and fauna of most of the northern globe and humans that were not killed had to retreat underground. They created caves and underground cities for protection against the severe weather. The world has its cycles and we are told by Shamans from many cultures that we are due for another cycle change. It will be between the years 2000 and 2080. We see this in our weather pattern and most reliable Meteorologists say we are in the final years of cold and a warming of the planet has started. This has everything to do with the sun and the actions of it on its axis. Man is not able to inject his will on these strict acts of God and nature. The Bible also foretells of a new awakening and the Last Days appear to be in their initial stages as I write this piece. As a casual observer you probably will not be on the same page with me when looking to our future in the light of God’s words. We, as humans have little concept of time as we look at it as past present and future. When we think of thousands of years, that’s a long time. In the world we hope to go to after our time here, it is but a second. There is no beginning, there is no end, just now. So, in a world such as this, when you think about it, human likeness with super human intelligence could have been here on earth millions of years ago. Perhaps that would account for the unexplained stone walls and structures all over the earth that through carbon dating go back further than many archeologists are willing to admit. Humans, or a likeness with a sense of feelings and creative ability have occupied our home much longer than we previously thought. Astronomical and mathematic codes carved into stone and structures that have so much to do with the heavens are found all over the globe and are strangely similar. What messages were they trying to convey to us living in a far-off future.
I see a world that through its people has outlived its desire or ability to correct itself from sin and self-destruction, and so will be destroyed. Our God will build a new world free from sin and for 1000 years will prosper and all who are blessed will share this world with God’s son “Jesus Christ.” Life will be as it was in the beginning of this time period that we see drawing to an end. Man will have a lifespan of hundreds of years and there will be love and peace. There will be freedom of pain and suffering, we will be given responsibilities according to our talent and it will all be to glorify our God. The Rapture that we have seen in movies and our present-day Christian churches speak of, is not mentioned in the Bible. However, there is mention in 1 Thessalonians 4/17 as a gathering in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. The name “Rapture” seems to appear in about 1830 and is mentioned mostly in North American churches with the exception of the Evangelicals.
Until such time when we stand up and rebel against our overlords, we will be plagued by power and money hungry evil people bringing death and destruction along with much pain and suffering. Covid19 was the start of a new age of medicine. It has also revealed the lengths our society will endure through mind control. New ideas that are in opposition to the establishment are turned away as impossible, if it has not been thought of by now, it must be approved by some authority before it is believable. We have become a society of lazy thinkers. We must start to think for ourselves. Accepting the crazy that would have been laughed at in the past, it is taken as gospel with no questioning or analyzing, that is no way a procreative society should behave. The democrats in the USA are a perfect example. They are so desperate; they contradict almost everything they utter. It is hard to believe that 50% of the electorate would be so easily persuaded to a doctrine of nonsense and lies.
Finally, where do we stand regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict? This is one that only time and the grace of God will unravel. For many that are standing for the Palestinians, I do have empathy and sympathy for your cause. Yes, it is tragic that war includes innocent children and women but that has been the case since modern weapons were invented hundreds of years ago. Humans get in the way of bombs and bullets. Nov. 7th. 2023 was a horrible day for the Jewish nation. Atrocities by Hezbollah were as vicious as anyone could imagine. Doing these outrageous acts against human beings deserves immediate death. As Iran condones and finances these actions, it is only natural that the regime be obliterated. This is being done in a systematic way avoiding as much peril to civilian life as possible. What fighting force dealing with hate as the Israelites have and still warn it’s enemy to evacuate all civilians before firing on them? This has been the homeland for the Jewish race for thousands of years. The Palestinians are a copulation of many races and when on this land, did nothing to enhance its value for the people in agriculture or anything else. While we sympathize for the upheaval of a race or culture, a choice must be made. When all is said and done, we must refer back to our true source of wisdom and truth, the Bible.
Paul D. Scott rantingsandraves.com