Cancer can be Cured
Feb 2/25
It has been a long wait but finally after over five years, I was informed this past week that I am now officially out of my cancer surgeon''s care and free of that dreaded disease, “cancer.” I can’t say that I was fretful or even anxious over these few months but it was a relief to be given the news by my surgeon that he was releasing me to my own devices and if I got into trouble, just call. Following my recovery period from a 12-hour operation that two surgeons advised me against, I have had very few problems that seemed trivial compared to half a dozen other age-related health concerns.
Since covid19 and all the related stresses man has been subjected to as a result of this man-made killer, I have some observations that I feel compelled to share with my readers. My story that I have tried to share over the past few years has been that we are responsible for our actions and even more critical, our inactions. This is most important when it comes to our health. Everything in life, including our physical body is on loan from God. We have been given all things in this world according to our ability and responsibility. Our body without doubt is the best gift of anything we have received. It is what we have from the beginning to the end of our time we exist here. It should be honored and respected with the utmost of care. What we put into it or on it should be carefully scrutinized. A purist will say fresh water, pure organic food and filtered air are the only things our bodies require internally. We have been given a perfect machine. We have been somewhat careless in letting our authorities take the responsibility of offering food, drink, air and medications that are toxic and even poisoned with chemicals that are environmentally unsafe to enter this sanctuary of ours. We are told that the latest so-called vaccines for covid are loaded with man-made and natural poisons that can never be removed from our DNA, once injected. Many, if not all the recipients, will die as a result of taking it. Even those who have avoided the jab can be contaminated also by exposure by transference from body to body, this is called “shedding”. Studies are still underway to determine the seriousness and the scope of the “unvaxed” vulnerability.
If we have learned anything from the past five years of covid, it is that, no one can be trusted, not your doctor, your politicians or even your faith advisor, certainly not big pharma. Either mis- information, naivety or greed will get in the way of truth and everyone is on his own to figure it out. By sheer luck, my wife and I decided to wait for more compelling arguments regarding the proposed cure for covid, specifically the vaccination. My sweet partner of almost 70 years has a talent for sniffing out the truth and being aware of trouble. While I was amongst the first to be offered the jab and ready to stick my arm out for what ever the world had in store for me, Joan said she was not going to get this procedure. She explained that a small voice was telling her to stay away from this injection. I have lived with this girl long enough to take her seriously and I should do, more due diligence. My natural curiosity and the fact that the government was not following Pfizer’s protocol started ringing warning bells at once. Only one or two layers of the onion had to be peeled back to smell something was terribly wrong with this whole covid situation. I was still in recovery from a 12-hour operation where most of my internal organs were removed or re-arranged to remove my Esophagus. My immune system didn’t need any reason to be overworked from unknown injections. I was already fighting my oncologist when she predicted that I would be dead in 6 months. I cancelled my injection appointment until I was sure it was safe. My wife on the other hand had been experiencing seizures and was told that a vaccine injection could be like throwing an exhilarant on smoldering embers in her brain.
We have been paying the price of going against the prescribed protocol but our problems never reached that of losing our jobs or death as thousands of younger people have. I do not think we got covid nor did we get the dreaded jab.
When the topic comes up about a cure for cancer, I predict that we will never see that day. Billions have been spent and the only ones that benefit are the scientific community and big pharma, we must not forget Dr. Devil himself (Anthony Fauci) and his bunch of trough feeders. However, AI might prove me wrong.
Cancer can be slowed down a lot and, in many cases, it can be beaten. It is important to catch it early. That is not easy when we look at the Covid related Turbo cancer. It can occur in more than one place in your body and develop quickly to a stage 4 before you are aware of it. This is when re-purposed drugs are important. These are drugs that have been on the market for many years and prescribed for other illnesses millions of times. Researchers are just beginning to understand the benefits they have to offer for Cancer patients. A Canadian Doctor from Alberta, Dr. Wm. Makis, has had wonderful success with two of these drugs, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. You may be interested that these drugs have been used for years successfully but since covid and the new so-called vaccines, they are now banned in Canada and most of the USA. Try to get them from India or some other country and you will find our customs agents are holding them from you. This collaboration between our government and big pharma is costing the lives of thousands of our countrymen. If you think you are living in a free society, take a closer look!
Paul D. Scott